Monday, November 28

. tIs the season to spArkle .

without wishing to sound as if i'm collecting my pension . is it me . or . has christmas started ridiculously early this year . i know that it's now expected that the tinsel and baubles start making an appearance in the shops as soon as the easter eggs have rolled off the shelves, but i have been spying christmas trees . fairy lights . and . decorations galore in sO many people's houses near to me . it's still nOvember folks ?  a wonderful month of bonfires and autumn leaves, pumpkins and pies . can we not enjoy each month for the loveliness it brings, rather than wanting to rush headlong into the celebrations of the next ?

so . for the last two days of nOvember i will be embracing all that autumn loveliness still . & . then once dEcember arrives i'll feel we can start to enjoy lots of festive faffing . tinsel . glitter . gift making . gift wrapping . & . all that christmas sparkle . 

just two days . we can all hold on for just two more days can't we ?

. 'tIs the season to spArkle .

. have a spArkly dAy .

Friday, November 25

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . jUst the prettiest biscuits . from Biscuiteers .
. 2 . jUst the prettiest dress . from Nellystella .
. 3 . a beautiful collection spOtted on Milk . The Small Gatsby .
. 4 . a beautiful shoot spOtted on Babiekins . Jodye Sabatini Photography .
. 5 . a rainbow of handmade booties . by SincerelyBillie .
. 6 . #makingwinter cosy with craft creativity & cake . yes please SilverPebble .
. 7 . a little craft . from Suzy Ultman
. 8 . my thought for today . seek magic everyday
. 9 . a little creativity . from Little Cube
. & . finally . not cake . but crumpets to make any winter morning very cosy . 

. have a hAppy dAy .

Friday, November 18

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . when linen is still lovely for aUtumn dressing . via Yellowpelota .
. 2 . when your spOtty bow matches your spOtty blouse . via Free Babe & Soor Ploom .
. 3 . when you are just tired out from shOpping for adorable little things . via local milk .
. 4 . dark aUtumn days make me crave dark cosy interiors .
. 5 . dark aUtumn days make me crave cosy knitted homeware .
. 6 . crUshing on rose gold & metallic craftiness . via Cloud Craft .
. 7 . fabulOus flOrals . fAffing . & . fridAys . via The Vintage Palace .
. 8 . my thought for today . 
. 9 . a lOvely idea for sharing thoughts . via Bread&Jam .
. & . finally . this weeks caramel is accompanied by pumpkin & puff pastry . #givethanks .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Monday, November 14

. inspired . #12 .

tonight will see the sky lit up by the most spectacular supermOon to appear since 1948 . the moon will appear bigger & brighter as a result of it being closer to the earth than it has done for nearly 70 years . however . the weather has not been kind today & despite looking out for it since dusk, the skies have been cloudy & overcast with no sign of the moon . i will be keeping my fingers crossed for clearer skies tomorrow, which will see a slightly less than supermoon, but still a slightly more spectacular than usual moon .

until then here are some very spectacular & lovely moons in all sorts of shapes & sizes .

. inspired#12 .
. sometimes the moon is all i have .
. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 .

for lots more moonlight take a look at my pInterest board

. have a hAppy dAy .

Friday, November 11

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . i think we might all be in need of a hUg right now . 
. 2 . i think this über cute jumper would be like wearing a hUg . 
. 3 . i think this might be the most darling of all Mrs.Mighetto's prints . 
. 4 . crUshing on this gorgeous gold & silver pleated skirt .
. 5 . crUshing on this stylish sweater & flannel pants outfit .
. 6 . wondering if one of these kits might { finally } help me master the art of crochet ?
. 7 . wondering if i would be able to resist eating the whole loaf in one go ?
. 8 . i think we all need to believe in a little magic right now .
. 9 . oh hellO . Heart Vintage is having a little sale so snap up a pretty plate . { or two } .
. & . finally . oh hellO . chocolate . caramel . honeycomb . loveliness . #weekendgoals .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Friday, November 4

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . autumn days were made for baking cOokies . especially ones that look at cUte as these !
. 2 . autumn days were made for keeping cosy . especially in onesies as cUte as this !
. 3 . autumn days inspire autumn colours . & . this pretty pOppy dress from Velveteen .
. 4 . autumn days inspire autumn prints . & . this beautiful wOodland dress from Aristocrat Kids .
. 5 . this weekend . etsy are having a 4day pOp up with their everyday emporium .
{ take a read here to discover what unusual currency they are trading with ? }
. 6 . oh my Object Style . i do so need this in my life ! 
. 7 . oh my Make Hey . what a ' bear 'y cute shelfie !
. 8 . remember . we all have magic inside us .
. 9 . an oh so very charming calendar . from . These Charming Things .
. & . finally . these are my current recipe crush . double chocolate rye muffins . just tOo good !

. have a hAppy dAy .

Tuesday, November 1

. hEllo nOvember .

{ we all have magic inside us }

hEllo nOvember

. welcoming the month { literally } with fireworks .

. spending time reflecting & remembering .


* whispers *
. starting to get think about christmas .
. visits to lOts of christmas markets .

. have a mAgically hAppy dAy .