Monday, February 29

. jUst lEap .

jUst a little post to say hAppy leAp yeAr . or is it hAppy leAp dAy ? whatever you would like to call it, it's that extra little day that pOps up every four years . the day when lAdies can propose to their men . although . according to the Telegraph today only if they wear breeches or a scarlet petticoat ! although i'd have been tempted to propose if i lived in Denmark or Finland, where, if a lady was refused she was then entitled to 12 pairs of gloves or the fabric for a skirt . which to be fair is possibly more useful than a hUsband ?

. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .

but for me the best lEap yeAr tradition i've seen is this incredible lEap yeAr cake from Lovely Indeed . { but then i don't think there are many days that shouldn't be celebrated with some cake or another ! } .  hOwever you have spent your extra day i hope it made you hAppy . & . i hope you maybe did something different . or . thought about that lEap you'd like to make this yeAr .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Friday, February 26

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . a beautifully simple image shared by Milk Magazine via Pinterest .
. 2 . a little more simplicity . black & white . mix & match .  bear plates for littleOnes .
{ from the wonderfully named Wee Gallery }
. 3 . & . a little more monochrome loveliness spOtted on Instagram from Ooh Noo .
. 4 . incredible works of art by Valerie Kolakis . shared on Selvedge .
{ stencilled vaseline collects dust in industrial spaces to create something unique }
. 5 . lOving this illustration ' To Bloom Not Bleed ' by The White Deer via Society 6
. 6 . a little thought for mOthers dAy gifts . the cUtest house shaped teabags .
{ cleverly created by Tea Heritage }
. 7 . & . also lOving these cUte cloud shaped hangers made by Tea Pea .
. 8 . a poem for this fridAy . 
{ shared by Natasha from Honestly Healthy }
. 9 . wishing i had these pretty pastel suitcases to pack for my weekend away in Brighton .
{ i will have to make do with my pretty . but now quite shabby . Cath Kidston tote ! }
. & . finally . i have never been convinced by the whole smOothie trend . 
but . with this amazing looking one from Blueberry Smoothies i may just be tempted to give them a try .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Wednesday, February 24

. mArch mAdness .

i was very undecided on the quote for mArch . i knew i wanted something that had a slightly mAd air about it . like fEbruary it still has that between seasons feeling . you never quite know what each mArch day will bring . 

i pondered over quotes from alice in wOnderland { you're mAd . bOnkers . all of the best people are ! } . & . very nearly chose this one { she lOst herself in a wOnderland of mAdness } . but in the end . with mOther's dAy . & . eAster . at the beginning & end of mArch this seemed the perfect quote to start mArch on .

. i bElieve in chOcolate for breakfAst .

. have a mAdly hAppy dAy .

Monday, February 22

* shush * . welcome to the clAndestine cAke clUb .

a little while ago i watched a documentary by nigel slater called ' icing on the cake ' . the clue is kind of in the title . a nostalgic journey through the history of cake . from it's earliest manifestations onto the Elizabethan cooks who we can thank for the discovery of magical raising agents . & . then to present day and our continued obsession { i don't think that is too strong a word for it } with baking & eating cake today . as part of the programme he visited a cake club . a secret cake club . the clAndestine cAke clUb . & . i was fascinated . 

just imagine . a club . for people who love baking . eating & talking . about cake . it seemed almost too good to be true . i googled away & there it was . nirvana for cake lovers !  

set up by Lynn Hill in 2010 with one group of cake lovers in Leeds . it now has over 200 clubs not just in the uK . but worldwide . with groups as far as aUckland . okinAwa . mElbourne . & . tExas . the premise is a simple one . a date is set . a theme is chosen . you bake your cake . & . take it along to the secret location . & . then you sit & sample & enjoy all the other cakes . 

i went to my first meeting just before xmas . & . took over the organising of one of my local groups a short while ago . last thUrsday was our first event . & . as it was held in fEbruary it seemed fitting that our first theme was . Love . Actually . bake a cake that you love . or . for one you love . or . just a lOvely cake . we met at our secret location & had a wonderful evening of indulging in angel cake . chocolate cake . crumble cake . lemon cake . rainbow cake . raspberry cake . red velvet cake .

there is something so heartwarming about a group of people that have never met before chatting comfortably for hours over a mutual love of baking . & . i think there is something so inherently lovely about people who love to bake . to eat . & . to talk about cake . i don't think there was a quiet moment all night . & . perhaps helped along by the sugar high that everyone was on such a warm & friendly atmosphere that still makes me smile now as i remember it .

there is a strict cAke-Only rule at the CCC { no brownies . cupcakes . muffins . tarts allowed ! } . with the reason being that there is something about the slicing & sharing of a cake that helps spark that interaction & conversation . it also helps that you can cut a relatively small slice of each & so enjoy sampling as many of the cakes as possible !

you can see by my empty plate that i did my very very best to have a try of { mOst } of the cakes . & . i feel as cO-organiser of the event i set a fairly good example of how much cake to enjoy ! { i.e. quite a lOt } . { ok . just a lOt } .

{ the aftermath }

i think a happy time was had by all . & . now . a few weeks of healthy eating to purge all that sugar out of my system before thinking about the next event . maybe something silly & foolish for april ? 

but * shUsh * don't tell . remember it's a sEcret !

. have a swEet dAy .

Friday, February 19

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . the gOrgeous new spring cOllection from mango kIds
{ loving the simple mOnochrome . with those bright pops of flOrals }
. 2 . it's nOt too early to start thinking ahead to mOther's dAy .
{ sAy yEs to printing . & . cOlouring in your own gift wrap  }
. 3 . a sUper cute pArty range from design love fest
. 4 . reading the sad news about Harper Lee today .
{ this beautiful scarf is a gorgeous way to celebrate that wonderful book }
. 5 . anOther lOvely idea for mOther's dAy . 
{ or just a little reminder that spring is . hopefully . on it's way }
. 6 . tUlips  are the perfect flOwer to brighten up these grey days .
. 7 . as would this if you stumbled across it out & about .
{ read mOre on the You Are So Very Beautiful project on craftivism }
. 8 . vAlentine's maybe over . but . i lOve this thought for today .
{ spOtted at Old English Co.
. 9 . lOving the irony of the sUper healthy avocado filled with sUper unhealthy sprinkles !
{ and perfectly sUms up my week this week . healthy . not healthy . healthy } 
. & . finally . after a week filled with cOokiescake . next week I'm back to sUper salads .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Sunday, February 14

. lOts of lOve .

. hAppy vAlentine's dAy .

Friday, February 12

. hAppy vAlentines .

. 1 . spOtted on instagram . a simple be my valentine @tity.spain .
. 2 . lOving the idea of a Galentine's Day party
{ perfect for those of us without a Valentines . thankyOu oh happy day ! }
. 3 . a cAndy crUsh of cloud marshmallows & lOve hearts @kraftmint .
. 4 . pastel prettiness with a sprinkling of glitter at Sprinkle Bakes .
{ with the cherry being inside this cherry vanilla layer cake
. 5 . sUper cUte XOXO milk carton Valentine's favour boxes from Babiekins .
. 6 . lOve lEtters lOvingly stitched by hand & sent with lOve .
{ a super easy DIY tutorial from Lia Griffith
. 7 . a little more felt in this heart shaped mobile over on Sew Yeah .
. 8 . a little more lOve for yO . oh happy day .
{ just sO sO many great vAlentine's ideas ! }
. 9 . these made me smile . & . go a bits nUts !
. & . finally . whoever you'll be sharing it with . on sUnday . have a very hAppy vAlentine's dAy .

. have a lOvely dAy .

Wednesday, February 10

. be my valentine . { twelve lOvely ways to say i lOve yOu } .

lOve is well & truly in the air . & . i am spoiling you with a few lOvely ideas for things to make . bake . & . create for your valentine's this year . 

. 1 . 2 . 3 .
{ chalkboard black . red . candy pink }
. 4 . 5 . 6 .
{ garlands . candy . wrapping }
. 7 . 8 . 9 .
{cupid's arrows . gold . candy stripes }
. 10 . 11 . 12 .
{ sEnt with lOve }

so . 
how will you say * i lOve yOu * on sunday . with flowers ? chocolates ? candy or cake ?

{ or . maybe all of the above ? }

although i have no valentine's this year . { cue the violins ! } . i will be busy deciding which cake to make for my * shush * Clandestine Cake Club event next week . we have picked the theme of Love . Actually . { well . we had to acknowledge that february is the month of lOve didn't we . & . how better to celebrate our love of cake than with a love themed event } . but i have managed to pin far far too many ideas to my pinterest board . & . now can't decide on just one cake to make ! should it be a sumptuous red velvet cake topped with rich chocolate covered truffles . or . a sweetly pink velvet champagne & strawberry cake . or . a chocolate raspberry cake with heart shaped macarons

or . well . i could go on . i will keep you posted and hope to pop up a post shortly after the event to share with you all the wonderful cake that is going to be enjoyed that evening . until then .

. have a lOvely dAy .

Monday, February 8

. chEeky . littlE . mOnkEy .

hAppy chinEse nEw yeAr . and . hellO to the year of the mOnkEy . we say goodbye to the calming influence of the sheep { or goat . did we ever decide which ? } . and . welcome in the more mischievous, more curious, cheeky little mOnkEy . 

sUperstition also says that this also sees the start of one of the most unlUcky years in the chinese calendar . but . i think we'll just choose to stick our fingers in our ears & hUm very loudly whilst quietly ignoring that little gem . 

instead . take a look at the cheeky cUteness of all these little mOnkEy's i've spotted . as a children's wear designer i've designed many a boys range around these little animals . but . never grow tired of the smile they can bring . not to mention the almost heartbreaking cuteness of Sharon Montrose's Baby Monkey print . 

. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 .

see lots more on my pinterest board

so . how will you be celebrating the new lUnar year . indulging in a chinese banquet . or . are you saving yourself for pancake day tomorrow ? 

. have a chEeky . & . hAppy dAy .

Friday, February 5

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . so today is dOodle dAy . so buy yourself a cute notebook . & . doodle away .
. 2 . lOve the doodle-esque wall decal in this cUte room . 
{ decal designed by hello little birdie . & . spotted at this little love } .
. 3 . gold grey & geo's are combined for this angelic outfit over at Milk Magazine .
. 4 . mOnday welcomes in the Chinese New Year . & . the year of the mOnkey .
{ and what's cuter than this little sOck mOnkey . spotted on pinterest } .
. 5 . & . looking a little further ahead . lOving these lOve tiles . for Valentines Day ?
. 6 . lOve this instagram pic of sisterly love .
{ captured beautifully by Dominika @domsli22 } .
. 7 . a super easy & super lovely DIY organiser . by A Bubbly Life .
. 8 . crUshing on this instagram account . a Flamingo a Day .
{ and . yes . yAy . it's friYAY } .
. 9 . the perfect cOokie to compliment my fEbruary calendar !
. & . finally . it's just possible i may break my sugar-free run with these blUeberry pAncakes
{ well . it is pAncake dAy on tuesdAy } .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Wednesday, February 3

. gOing bananAs . at bUbble .

whilst the shops may be filling up with new spring cOllections this weekend lOndon played host to a sneak preview of what next fall will look like . at dOt to dOt . & . at bUbble . whilst i wasn't able to get to dOt to dOt this time i did manage to run around bUbble { almost literally . as was squeezing it in amongst many other things i wanted to do in lOndon that day } spotting lovely new brands alongside some equally lovely ones i'd seen before . 

as time didn't allow for the careful photographing of all the loveliness i saw i've turned to instagram to provide some snapshots of the show . & . it's always lovely to see how many of my new favourites were also favourites of so many others too .  

. 1 . 2 . 3 .

. 4 . 5 . 6 .
{ sUper cUte shoes from F-Troupe . showing their debut kidswear collection }
{ the colouring craze continues . with a colouring floor by AnorakMag }

. 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 .
{ gOrgeous cOllection from Polly . showing at bUbble for the first time }
{ bEautiful merino wool . by Urban Merino }
{ simply lovely . & . made in Britain . babywear by Buffalo & Bear }
{ whimsical knits and furry furs . by UPA }

i hope to share some of the other beautiful brands i spotted over the coming weeks . so stay posted .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Monday, February 1

. hEllo fEbruary .

{ i love you to the moon and back }

looking forward to a fabulous fEbruary
full of

. beautiful new cOllections at bUbble lOndon .
. welcoming in the yEar of the mOnkey .

. learning how to make better bread .
. indulging in a few pancakes on shrOve tUesday .

. celebrating vAlentine's by baking lOvely cakes .
. ending the month by running arOund brighton .

. have a fAbulous dAy .