Wednesday, February 3

. gOing bananAs . at bUbble .

whilst the shops may be filling up with new spring cOllections this weekend lOndon played host to a sneak preview of what next fall will look like . at dOt to dOt . & . at bUbble . whilst i wasn't able to get to dOt to dOt this time i did manage to run around bUbble { almost literally . as was squeezing it in amongst many other things i wanted to do in lOndon that day } spotting lovely new brands alongside some equally lovely ones i'd seen before . 

as time didn't allow for the careful photographing of all the loveliness i saw i've turned to instagram to provide some snapshots of the show . & . it's always lovely to see how many of my new favourites were also favourites of so many others too .  

. 1 . 2 . 3 .

. 4 . 5 . 6 .
{ sUper cUte shoes from F-Troupe . showing their debut kidswear collection }
{ the colouring craze continues . with a colouring floor by AnorakMag }

. 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 .
{ gOrgeous cOllection from Polly . showing at bUbble for the first time }
{ bEautiful merino wool . by Urban Merino }
{ simply lovely . & . made in Britain . babywear by Buffalo & Bear }
{ whimsical knits and furry furs . by UPA }

i hope to share some of the other beautiful brands i spotted over the coming weeks . so stay posted .

. have a hAppy dAy .


  1. I just noticed your post, I'm pleased to hear that you liked Polly! Looking forward to seeing you again at Bubble!

    1. Hello . I'm so pleased you spotted it & yes, I lOved it ! have a lovely day .


. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .