Monday, February 8

. chEeky . littlE . mOnkEy .

hAppy chinEse nEw yeAr . and . hellO to the year of the mOnkEy . we say goodbye to the calming influence of the sheep { or goat . did we ever decide which ? } . and . welcome in the more mischievous, more curious, cheeky little mOnkEy . 

sUperstition also says that this also sees the start of one of the most unlUcky years in the chinese calendar . but . i think we'll just choose to stick our fingers in our ears & hUm very loudly whilst quietly ignoring that little gem . 

instead . take a look at the cheeky cUteness of all these little mOnkEy's i've spotted . as a children's wear designer i've designed many a boys range around these little animals . but . never grow tired of the smile they can bring . not to mention the almost heartbreaking cuteness of Sharon Montrose's Baby Monkey print . 

. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 .

see lots more on my pinterest board

so . how will you be celebrating the new lUnar year . indulging in a chinese banquet . or . are you saving yourself for pancake day tomorrow ? 

. have a chEeky . & . hAppy dAy .

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .