Wednesday, October 21

. prEtty pUmpkins . & . bAtty bAts .

although hallOween is still 2weeks away in the pInterest & the blogging world it feels as if we are just about reaching the height of DIY's for decoration, dress-up & all manner of trIck & trEat treats . so not to be left out of all this spookiness today has been spent painting & pimping pumpkins . creating cute batty bats . & . creating a general mess of black . gold . & . fluo pink snippets of paper along with a sprinkle of gold glitter & thread . 

{ in the grand scheme of things i can think of far worse ways to spend the day } .

being incredibly honest . this is the first year that i can remember buying & decorating pumpkins . { & . now i can't believe i've wasted so many years of prettying up pumpkins ! } . & . although i wasn't quite brave enough to start carving wonderfully intricate designs there were so much inspiration for painting & stamping pumpkins that that seemed a much better { & safer } place to start .

i bought a tester pot of Craig & Rose chalk paint in an off white & just two coats of paint later this little pumpkin was ready to be stamped & made a little more sparkly . { i'm now very very tempted to go & buy some more . i think this pumpkin might be a little lonesome on their own } . & thankyOu to Parties for Pennies for the idea for prettying up this pumpkin .

and then onto some garlands & hallOween { bOo } bunting .

these are sUper easy to do . download the little critters here & here . you can choose between some cUter spottier ones . or . using the silhouettes as i've done & printing them out in black . gold . or colours of your choosing . print onto a4 . cut out . score lightly along the join between body & wing & again on the wing . lightly folding to give a more 3d appearance . i also used a 2" round stamp to add a few more pOps of colour into my garland . string them together to hang either vertically or horizontally . the choice is yours . as many or as few as you like . 

and i couldn't resist a little bOo bUnting too . printed out on the plain side of some fluo pink card you can play around to your hearts content with different variations . use washi tape to stick it up . or punch holes & string it into a garland . 

and on that note . it's late . getting closer to the witching hour !

have fun with these printables & remember 'Tis near hallOween .

. have a spookily fun day .

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .