Wednesday, October 28

. trIck Or trEat .

# nOte to self . now the days are shorter start prep for blog post earlier in the day ! 

time crept up on me today . & . i was having far too much fun working on these dIy printables that before i knew it the day was ending . the night was drawing in . & . it really wasn't the greatest light for taking photographs { oOps ! } . & . they are possibly not the most styled photo's i've ever taken . or intended to take for todays post . but . take it from me . they are quite cUte { promise } .

before we go much further i must give credit for the idea for these boxes to the sUper A Subtle Revelry . i spotted the boxes on pInterest . & . couldn't resist adapting { ok . unashamedly pinching the idea } for myself . you can find the original post for their treat boxes here . { i so desperately wanted to add confetti to mine too . but . the sun was setting . & . well you know the rest } .

using the bAtty bAt from last weeks post for one of the boxes . & . the other has a sweetly scary spider crawling all over it . & . i spotted these googly eyes { in Wilko's of all places } . & . couldn't resist adding them onto the treat boxes too . 

as with last weeks dIy these are sUper easy to do . download the box templates here . print onto a4 card . cut out . score lightly along all the fold lines . one by one apply glue to the tabs & start to construct your box . remember to fill them with lOts of treats before you close the last tab . & . apply as many or as few silly googly eyes as you like . i also think these would be great with a ribbon or twine loop applied to the top edge of the box so they can be carried easily .

& although i know we should all be watching our sugar intake i think on this occasion only proper candy will do . { especially when it gives me an excuse to pimp up mini marshmallows into little eyeballs ! } . & . * whispers * for any littleOnes trick or treating around me on hallOween there might be an extra scary surprise in these boxes !

. have a super scAry sweet dAy .

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .