Wednesday, November 18

. a cOuntdown to christmAs . { with twElve of the lOveliest dIy advEnt calendArs } .

with nOvember already halfway over we seem to be rushing headlong into all things fEstive & christmAssy . the shOps are full of fEstive goodies . gifts. & . glitter . and with the 1st of dEcember a very short two weeks away the important question is . have you got your advEnt calendAr yet ?

no ? then take a look at this little lot . super cute . & . lOvely dIy advent calendArs to make yourself .

{ and the best bit is you can choose your own gOodies to put inside ! } .

. 1 . 2 . 3 .
{ kraft . black & white / lovely . stylish & simple } 

. 4 . 5 . 6 .
{ fern . red & white / trees . cute & fun } 

 . 7 . 8 . 9 .
{ kraft . red & white / boxes . cookies & twine }

. 10 . 11 . 12 .
{ rainbow . black & white / pattern . takeaway boxes & advent houses }

so much wonderful inspiration . & . so many different ideas to choose from . { and lOts more here on my pInterest board } . i have this weekend pencilled in for creating one of my own . & . hope to be pOsting it on the blOg next week .

until then . 

. have a very creAtive & hAppy dAy .


  1. What a lovely selection! Thank you so much for sharing and for providing us with so much inspirations! (Hum... I haven't done anything yet and there are only 11 days left!!)

    1. thankyOu so much MushyP . I had lots of fun putting it together { & had so many more I couldn't quite squeeze in ! } . only problem now is too many ideas for mine ! have a lovely happy day .


. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .