Wednesday, November 11

. inspired . #6 .

today is Remembrance Day . a poignant day for many . but a chance for us all to stop a while . & . remember how lucky most of us are to live our lives relatively unaffected by the destruction that war causes . 

the pOppy is now the iconic symbol of Remembrance Day . due in part to the poem " In Flanders Fields " with the brilliant red symbolising the blood shed across those battlefields . the pOppy is also synonymous with the Finnish brand Marimekko . established in 1949 it was a company that commissioned promising new artists to develop bold new fabric prints . quickly gathering momentum as not only a print company, but a fashion house, by the 60's they were an internationally recognised brand, worn by Jacqueline Kennedy . in 1964 the iconic Unikko poppy print was designed by Maija Isola . a print designed in protest after Armi Ratia declared that Marimekko would never be a flower print company . it is with some irony that it is now this print which is most recognisable as a Marimekko design . & . is now known as " the rebel flower " .

. marimekko . unikko . poppy . red . black . remembrance .

. 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 .

. see much more on my pInterest board .

. have an inspired . & . reflective day .

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .