Friday, December 30

#2016 . #momentsofmine .

i'm not sure when i realised that 2016 wasn't just a blAh year for me . but . was actually a blAh year for the entire world . it has all felt slightly off kilter . as if fate has gone on a year long holiday . & . the holiday cover was just a little out of their depth . & . nothing has gone quite the way it should have done ?

that said i went into this year feeling a little bit lost so in a way the seemingly strange turns of events . { Brexit & Trump } . and . the losses of so so many lovely people . { too many to list :( } . possibly justified my feelings in some way .

but . all that strangeness has made me feel even more thankful for the glimpses of goodness amongst it all . and you begin to feel grateful for the quiet moments . for the days without drama . for all those still moments . the good moments . the happy moments . so my penultimate post of the year is all about those moments of mine { which just so happens to be one of my favourite new instagram hashtags this year ! } .

in no particular order ;

. the Clandestine Cake Club . #makeitdelicious . it has given me the best excuse to make and eat a ridiculous amount of cake this year . i've met lots of lovely new people . found some lovely new places . & . tried some delicious new recipes . a joy to be part of .

. Scotland . #wonderfulplaces . a family wedding in one of the most beautiful places i've visited . & . the opportunity to spend time in a part of the country i'd not been to before . 

. Dirty Dancing at the Secret Cinema . #seekmoments . just the best night with two of the best girls i could share this with . laughing . dancing . drinking . hugging . & . staying up way way past our bedtime !

. Goodreads . #simplethings . the aim was to read 24 books this year . & . i read 24 books this year { yAy ! } . from the wonderful classic Jane Eyre, The Miniaturist, which had been on my to-read list for so long, Not Forgetting the Whale and FairPlay, which both took me by surprise in their quiet loveliness, The Forgetting Time which made me cry, to the short story of Angela and the Baby Jesus which made me smile . 

. HappyDays . #thehappynow . 2016 will end on my seven hundred and fifty second happy day . and . i think if this year has taught me nothing else, then it's to realise how true the saying, that every day may not be a happy day, but there is something happy in every day . 

maybe this year won't go down in history as one of the finest there ever was, but in it's own way we can learn from it, and learn to cherish all those really good moments even more than we already do .

. have a hAppy dAy .

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .