Monday, January 9

{ fifty before 50 }

Last year was somewhat lacking in resolutions, aims and goals of any sorts.  The year had a transitionary feeling to it, not quite the laissez faire attitude I alluded to in my ' this year ' post, more of a case of counting down the days to reach that first day of the new year, a day when, I hoped, that spark that had been missing, suddenly returned.  And strangely on the last day of last year, it did almost feel as if the weight of such a lacklustre year had started to lift.  The anticipation of that clock ticking over into a brand new year lifted my mood in a way nothing else had seemed to.  

And so, here we are, through the year that most of us would like to forget, and into the, well, I'd say shiny new year, but as I gaze out of the window the weather is decidedly less than shiny.  And yet, my mood is still upbeat, hopeful, excited even, as to what the next days and months might hold.

I still smile when I read my resolutions post from 2015, even though that one elusive goal of opening a shop is still proving to be elusive.  Forgivable in the whirlwind year that was 2015, not so forgivable for last year.  This year's goals are slightly different.  Last year I hit my mid 40's { I think a lot of last year was spent wondering how on earth that had actually happened } and that magic number of 50 is hovering in the, now, not so distant future.  When I was approaching 30 I was too busy thinking work was the be all and end all to even contemplate a 30 before 30 list.  Ditto on the approach to 40.  But looking back on all the things I ticked off in 2015 started me thinking about a fifty before 50 list.

Sitting down with pen and paper I managed to rattle off twenty things quite quickly.  Then I read over those twenty, and it soon became clear that what I was actually writing was a ' fifty things to do when I win the lottery '.  It's very easy to get carried away when writing bucket lists like this.  I have read lists that run into the hundred's, one's that are all about pushing yourself to the limit physically, and ones that have a humorous touch.  There are things that seem to crop up time and time again { run, travel, swim with dolphins, learn a language } and read some that seem a little strange for such a list { go on a date night with your OH - I'm not sure what this says about your relationship if such a thing needs adding to a bucket list? }.  

In truth my list has been a few months in the making.  Some things have been on the list since that first day, others have been on the list, off the list, and then back on again.  There are still things I keep wanting to add back, or add to it { stay in the Ice Hotel, take a Flying lesson } but I think there's a little wriggle room in some of the things on the list to allow me to squeeze those in.  In posting my list on here, on my blog, I know that it will give it some substance, and make me commit to these fifty, rather than continue to procrastinate and change it on a daily basis.  

{ five running things }
1. run a marathon
2. run in a park
3. run up a mountain
4. run along a beach
5. run around a lake
// to all those who I said I had no interest in running a marathon, sorry! it took me by surprise and was the first thing I added to the list, and it's never left
// the park, mountain, beach and lake don't sound too taxing, but I have parks, mountains, beaches and lakes in mind, some for the physical challenge, some for the scenery, but suggestions are welcome.

( five for others )
6. do 50 random acts of kindness
7. pay 50 compliments to others
8. spend 50 hours volunteering
9. raise 50 pounds for 50 charities
10. send 50 handwritten letters

[ five worldly things ]
11. stand on the Equator
12. stand on the Meridian Line
13. stand at Land's End
14. stand at John O'Groats
15. visit all seven continents // Europe September'17 //
// I'm lucky to have travelled a lot with my work, but this will give me a wonderful reason to re-visit some cities and discover new ones, and the intention is to set foot in all continents again over the next five years
( five for the mind )
16. go to the opera
17. go to the ballet
18. read every Agatha Christie book in chronological order // 12read // 80toread //
19. read a book whilst in the place it's set
20. find a mentor and a mentee

[ five for the soul ]
21. visit the Taj Mahal
22. see the blossom trees in Japan
23. see the Northern Lights
24. wish upon the stars and sleep under the stars
25. watch the sunrise and set in one day

{ a few adulty things }
26. write a will
27. leave a legacy
28. finally finish decorating my house
29. host a dinner party

{ a few just for fun }
30. build a sandcastle { something on a fairly grand scale, shell decorations, the lot }
31. have my fortune told
32. fly on a trapeze { with the greatest of ease }
33. make a snow angel
34. go on a picnic { something on a fairly grand scale, champagne, proper basket, the lot }
35. eat fish & chips on a seaside pier
36. climb to the top of a lighthouse

( four to learn )
37. to tango
38. to clay pigeon shoot // booked for 4thNovember //
39. to be a barista { see below 41. }
40. to crochet // booked for first three Sunday's in October //
( four foodie things )
41. work in a coffee shop { see above 39. }
42. start and keep a Sourdough Starter
43. develop a Signature bake
44. make every recipe from one cookbook

[ three more for the road ]
45. go to a festival
46. be a tourist in my own city
47. take a road trip

{ the final few }
48. make myself a made-to-measure dress
49. sell something I've made
50. you tell me ?

So, one more left to fill.  

I'd love to hear your suggestions, and read about the things you'd pop onto your own list?

{ have a happy day }

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .