Friday, February 3

{ happy friday }

{ 1 } feeling a lot of love for this #shelfie. from the ever fabulous Fabulous Places.
{ 2 } feeling a lot of love for Betsy Hare. stitched by hand by Thicket & Thimble.
{ 3 } would be feeling very cosy in this Roxy dress. pattern by Knitting for Olive
{ 4 } how gorgeous is this darkly cosy bedroom? and the rest of Niina's blog is gorgeous too.
{ 5 } a little reminder that Valentine's Day draws ever closer.  are you feeling the love yet?
{ 6 } still lusting after anything knitted & cosy.  Yes, Nolita Sweater, I'm talking about you!
{ 7 } another talented new discovery this week.  Clare Owen Illustrations.  #love.
{ 9 } if you love to sew, sign up to the VeryBerryHandmade hoop swap by Midnight tonight.
{ + } my weekend pick me up. Espresso Caramel BabyCakes #yum.

{ have a happy day }


  1. Thank You for sharing. Have a lovely weekend :)

    1. My pleasure. It's such a darling room & I love that wallpaper. Wishing you a lovely weekend too.


. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .