Showing posts with label freebie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freebie. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29

. a lOvely . { free + perfectly printable } . 2017 calendar .

i'm absolutely sure that you're all a lot more organised than me . & . already have calendars and diaries for 2017 all sorted out . bUt . just in case you haven't then { in the words of BluePeter } here's one i made earlier !

i'm working on giving lily+Bloom a bit of a new look . she's starting to look a little tired and in need of a new image . this may take a little while so please don't hold your breaths . in the meantime next years calendar gives you a little sneak peek into what the future may look like .

the calendar comes in two sizes . little + large . { well it's that between christmas & new year time when thinking any harder than this is just . well . too hard . forgive me ! } . the little one is perfect for taping up on the wall at home . one month at a time . or . every month to view the whole year ahead . it's also a great size for keeping to hand on your desk . just pop into a card holder and switch the months as they go by .

the larger one works well on a clipboard . or in my case . a piece of cord board cut a little bigger than the calendar with a bull dog clip to secure it in place . or . you can punch holes in the top and string with some { neon } ribbon to hang anywhere you have a little wall space .

{ four months to a page . print on A4 cardstock }

{ two months to a page . print on A4 cardstock }

i'd love to know what you think of the calendar . & . once you've downloaded it and printed it would love to see how you display it ?

i will leave you to enjoy { or endure ? } the last few days of this year . & . i think everyone will breathe a collective sigh once we start to welcome 2017 into the world .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Friday, December 2

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . the prettiest start to dEcember . with hello miss may .
. 2 . the loveliest bow in leather . perfect accessory to the loveliest lace blouse .
. 3 . a beautiful blush pink cosy cape . from Caramel .
. 4 . who will be choosing a tree this weekend ? 
Oh . and trim your tree to this christmas playlist . from the simple things .
. 5 . then wrap the first of your gifts in this gorgeous gift wrap .
. 6 . pOpping this cake on my * to bake this xmas * list .
. 7 . lOving these mid century inspired xmas trees
. 8 . my thought for the month . just sparkle !
. 9 . i might finally master crochet with these amigurumi advent patterns from Mollie Makes .
. & . finally . my inspiration to master macarons . thankyOu juniper cakery !

. have a hAppy dAy .

Monday, November 28

. tIs the season to spArkle .

without wishing to sound as if i'm collecting my pension . is it me . or . has christmas started ridiculously early this year . i know that it's now expected that the tinsel and baubles start making an appearance in the shops as soon as the easter eggs have rolled off the shelves, but i have been spying christmas trees . fairy lights . and . decorations galore in sO many people's houses near to me . it's still nOvember folks ?  a wonderful month of bonfires and autumn leaves, pumpkins and pies . can we not enjoy each month for the loveliness it brings, rather than wanting to rush headlong into the celebrations of the next ?

so . for the last two days of nOvember i will be embracing all that autumn loveliness still . & . then once dEcember arrives i'll feel we can start to enjoy lots of festive faffing . tinsel . glitter . gift making . gift wrapping . & . all that christmas sparkle . 

just two days . we can all hold on for just two more days can't we ?

. 'tIs the season to spArkle .

. have a spArkly dAy .

Monday, August 29

. do All things with kIndness .

i feel i may have lost a little of my blOgging mOjo this month . & . my healthy eating mojO . oh . & . my running mOjo . there's a distinct lack of mojO at the moment .

Oh . except for my eating cake & cookies mojo . yep . still got that { and a few extra pounds to show for it too } !

in this wonderful digital age { which i love for sO many reasons } it can be hard not to keep aiming for that image of perfection that we constantly see . the perfect clean diet . the perfect fitness regime . the perfect family life . & . so it's all too easy to give yourself a hard time for indulging in one too many slices of cake . for skipping out on the running & working out . for not blOgging more often . for not being enough . for not being our own image of perfect . & . yet we all know { deep down } that life isn't perfect . but . actually . that's ok . it doesn't have to be perfect to still be wonderful .

so i'm making sEptember a time to be kind . to others . but . also to myself .

. do all things with kindness .
. choose joy . 
. be you . be love .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Wednesday, July 27

. cElebrate { All } the little things .

jUly has been a blur . a fun filled blur of baking . cocktails . & . dancing . but a blur non the less . but the blurry month is nearly over . & . thinking ahead to aUgust which brings with it celebrations;  of birthday's . of summer . of holiday's . of { hopefully } sunshine & sunny days . 

at the moment i am down in lOndon most weeks & walk past Liberty on my way to the office . a beautiful building on which i seem to notice something different each time i pass by . last week i spotted . for the first time . the quote under the clock at the Kingly Street entrance . which reads ' no minute gone comes back again . take heed and see ye nothing do in vain ' . words that have stuck by me . & . words i remembered when choosing this months quote . so in the same spirit . this month . lets celebrate all the little things . the happy moments . the sunny days . the simple pleasures .

. celebrate the little things .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Monday, June 27

. drEam . bElieve . dO . rEpeat .

as you may be able to tell from the very significant lack of blOg pOsts, this month has been a busy one . busy . but . such fun . i was lucky enough to travel north & south . catch up with family i'd not seen in a long long time . meet family i'd not met before . revisit places i'd not been to in a long time . visit new places that i'm already longing to return to . & . it's safe to say i lived up to my jUne quOte in enjoying the journey .

so into jUly we go . midsUmmer has now passed . but . i don't believe it's too late to dream of what the rest of the year may bring .

. drEam . bElieve . dO . rEpeat .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Monday, May 30

. enjOy the jOurney .

this year is turning into a funny year . on the one hand i { still } feel slightly lost & the vagueness i felt when i wrote my beginning of year post hasn't entirely left me . on the other hand this year feels as if it's flying by so sO quickly . which means my days must be being filled with something to make the time feel it's passing by too fast . 

i think jUne will be a time of looking back at that pOst & seeing if i can be a little clearer on where the next six months may head . but in the meantime the next month will be a month of visiting travellers & of travelling . of sight seeing . & . memory making .

and . i will take it all one day at a time and enjOy the jOurney .

. find jOy in the jOurney .

. have a happy day .

{ wherever it may take you }

Wednesday, April 27

. crEate your own sUnshine .

as i was sitting at my desk yesterday . beginning to put the mAy calendars together for this post . i looked up just in time to see the snow start to fall . 

we are in spring . it's the end of april . very nearly mAy . earlier the skies had been blue & although it was bitterly . unseasonably . chilly . i really did think that we had moved on from the snow showers . a minute later it was all blue skies again . soon after that a flash of lightning streaked the sky . followed by the rumble of thunder . a darkening of the skies . and then the rain . but then over almost as quickly as it began . 

strange weather indeed . but i think it's also a sign about taking your chances where you can find them . about searching out the moments of blue sky & sunshine . the breaks between the rain showers & snow showers . 

. sOmetimes you just have to create your own sUnshine .

. have a sUnny dAy .

Monday, March 28

. bE silly .

sO . the eAster bUnnies have been & gone . { although i'm guessing they'll be some easter eggs still lingering on . & . if that's the case there's some great ideas here . & . here } . the clocks have jumped forward . & . whilst we might not be looking out the flip flops & shorts just yet . there's a promise of { slightly } warmer, lovelier days to come . lets look forward to spring flowers . sunshine & showers . & . just a little bit of silliness . 

. bE silly . bE hOnest . be kind .
 . aPril 2016 .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Friday, February 19

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . the gOrgeous new spring cOllection from mango kIds
{ loving the simple mOnochrome . with those bright pops of flOrals }
. 2 . it's nOt too early to start thinking ahead to mOther's dAy .
{ sAy yEs to printing . & . cOlouring in your own gift wrap  }
. 3 . a sUper cute pArty range from design love fest
. 4 . reading the sad news about Harper Lee today .
{ this beautiful scarf is a gorgeous way to celebrate that wonderful book }
. 5 . anOther lOvely idea for mOther's dAy . 
{ or just a little reminder that spring is . hopefully . on it's way }
. 6 . tUlips  are the perfect flOwer to brighten up these grey days .
. 7 . as would this if you stumbled across it out & about .
{ read mOre on the You Are So Very Beautiful project on craftivism }
. 8 . vAlentine's maybe over . but . i lOve this thought for today .
{ spOtted at Old English Co.
. 9 . lOving the irony of the sUper healthy avocado filled with sUper unhealthy sprinkles !
{ and perfectly sUms up my week this week . healthy . not healthy . healthy } 
. & . finally . after a week filled with cOokiescake . next week I'm back to sUper salads .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Friday, February 12

. hAppy vAlentines .

. 1 . spOtted on instagram . a simple be my valentine @tity.spain .
. 2 . lOving the idea of a Galentine's Day party
{ perfect for those of us without a Valentines . thankyOu oh happy day ! }
. 3 . a cAndy crUsh of cloud marshmallows & lOve hearts @kraftmint .
. 4 . pastel prettiness with a sprinkling of glitter at Sprinkle Bakes .
{ with the cherry being inside this cherry vanilla layer cake
. 5 . sUper cUte XOXO milk carton Valentine's favour boxes from Babiekins .
. 6 . lOve lEtters lOvingly stitched by hand & sent with lOve .
{ a super easy DIY tutorial from Lia Griffith
. 7 . a little more felt in this heart shaped mobile over on Sew Yeah .
. 8 . a little more lOve for yO . oh happy day .
{ just sO sO many great vAlentine's ideas ! }
. 9 . these made me smile . & . go a bits nUts !
. & . finally . whoever you'll be sharing it with . on sUnday . have a very hAppy vAlentine's dAy .

. have a lOvely dAy .

Wednesday, January 27

. i lOve you to the mOon . & . back .

how has the first mOnth of the year been for you ? has it dragged or has it flown by ?  

for me it has flown by . what i thought would be a quietish month has turned out to be a little busier . all in a good way though . 

i am still feeling in between seasons at the moment . i'm still lOving being able to wrap up in winter woollies . & . light my candles as soon as dusk starts to fall . it's the perfect excuse to curl up with a book { already nearly three books down out of my reading goal of twenty four } . the perfect weather for porridge for breakfast & soup for supper . 

but then . i'm also looking forward to spring . to those lighter warmer mornings that make it easier to get out for my early morning run . to start shopping for new floral frocks . & . trying out fresh new salad recipes for lunch . 

and in the midst of this changing of seasons fEbruary comes along . full of lOve . & . hearts . & . flowers . & . general lOveliness . 

. i lOve you to the moOn and back .

. have a hAppy dAy .

Monday, January 4

. hEllo jAnuary . and sO the Adventure bEgins .

i think i have enjoyed the r&r of christmAs a little too much . this jAnuary calendar is perhaps a little embarrassingly late in being posted on the blog . am i forgiven ?

in honesty . as lovely as christmAs is . this year i'm more than a little glad to get back to something resembling a normal routine . & . to start looking forward to what this year may bring . 

i'll save my reflections on last year & hopes for this year for another post . & . keeping this somewhat brief . will just leave you in peace & quiet with your first calendars for 2016 . 

. have a hAppy dAy .

Monday, November 30

. christmAs is cOming .

did anyone put their xmAs decorations up this weekend ? i will confess that as much as i lOve all the fairy lights & trees i do think it's only right to wait until it's dEcember . i lOve bringing things out gradually & adding to them through the month . a few paper snowflakes at the windows to start with . dotting around some bowls of baubles . adding a few new homemade garlands here & there . & . then a hUge xmas clean & tidy before finally putting up the tree . { oh . & . by the way . all of this takes a good three weeks ! } .

then there's the xmAs card making . deciding on this year's gift wrapping . christmas cOokies to bake . candy to make . { yes . i'm a little excited } .

so with one last day of nOvember to enjoy { all be it a very rainy one } . here is your lOvely calendar for dEcember . one for your desktop . & . one for your phone

. have a hAppy dAy .

Friday, November 27

. a little advEnt dIy .

i have a confession . this pOst was meant to be pOsted on wEdnesday . but . it is entirely possible that i got a little too caught up in all the advent calendar lOveliness that i found & found i couldn't decide what sort of calendar to make for this pOst . 

at first i thought something along the lines of a garland of pretty printed bags . then . the neon ribbon boxes on Oh Happy Day caught my eye . but . then i spotted these cUte little parcels on Creema . & . thought they would make the perfect hanging advent calendar . 

& . so after all that prOcrastinating . here it is . 

. you can download the file for the envelopes here .
. print out pages 1 . 2 . & . 3 twice . & . page 4 just the once .
. cut out each envelope . 
. score along the tabs . fold . & . stick to make a small pouch .

. fill the pouch with treats of your choice .
. small shortbread biscuits . marshmallow chocolate bark . gold chocolate coins .
. glitter . & . confetti .

. you can download some hAppy advent messages here .
. print out . cut out . & . pOp one into each day .

. you can download numbered tags here .
. print out . cut out . & . score 2.0cm from the top edge .

. fill your enveloped with it's goodies .
. pinch the top together in the opposite direction to the fold at the bottom .
. fold your number tag over the top . & . punch a hole through all layers .
. thread through a length of ribbon about 15.0cm long to secure .

. repeat until you have twEnty fivE filled envelopes .

they look sO lovely piled into a pretty bowl . or . using the ribbons to hang on your tree . { or like me, some random twigs ! } . all ready in anticipation of the 1st dEcember .

{ keep calm . CHRISTMAS . is coming }

. have a hAppy dAy .

Wednesday, October 28

. trIck Or trEat .

# nOte to self . now the days are shorter start prep for blog post earlier in the day ! 

time crept up on me today . & . i was having far too much fun working on these dIy printables that before i knew it the day was ending . the night was drawing in . & . it really wasn't the greatest light for taking photographs { oOps ! } . & . they are possibly not the most styled photo's i've ever taken . or intended to take for todays post . but . take it from me . they are quite cUte { promise } .

before we go much further i must give credit for the idea for these boxes to the sUper A Subtle Revelry . i spotted the boxes on pInterest . & . couldn't resist adapting { ok . unashamedly pinching the idea } for myself . you can find the original post for their treat boxes here . { i so desperately wanted to add confetti to mine too . but . the sun was setting . & . well you know the rest } .

using the bAtty bAt from last weeks post for one of the boxes . & . the other has a sweetly scary spider crawling all over it . & . i spotted these googly eyes { in Wilko's of all places } . & . couldn't resist adding them onto the treat boxes too . 

as with last weeks dIy these are sUper easy to do . download the box templates here . print onto a4 card . cut out . score lightly along all the fold lines . one by one apply glue to the tabs & start to construct your box . remember to fill them with lOts of treats before you close the last tab . & . apply as many or as few silly googly eyes as you like . i also think these would be great with a ribbon or twine loop applied to the top edge of the box so they can be carried easily .

& although i know we should all be watching our sugar intake i think on this occasion only proper candy will do . { especially when it gives me an excuse to pimp up mini marshmallows into little eyeballs ! } . & . * whispers * for any littleOnes trick or treating around me on hallOween there might be an extra scary surprise in these boxes !

. have a super scAry sweet dAy .