Showing posts with label neon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neon. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9

. eAster eggs & bOb-tailed bUnnies . { twelve lovely dIy's for easter time } .

a very chocolatey blOg post from a good friend pOpped up this morning & reminded me that eAster isn't too far away now . for the past few years i've liked the idea of making my own eggs & as this year i'm cutting down on sugar & trying to eat as cleanly as possible, it seems the perfect year to have a go . & . to be honest when they look as good as these ones do then i don't think i'd be missing out by not buying one from the shops .

but whilst i'm waiting for my easter egg moulds to be delivered i thought i'd share some of the easter dIy's i've spotted whilst busily pinning eAster ideas to pinterest . from simple monochrome black & white . to . the brightest of neons . i'm hOping there's something there to take your fancy & make you want to pull out your paper & scissors & get creative for eAster .

. 1 . 2 . 3 .
{ black . & . white }

. 4 . 5 . 6 .
{ gilded . with . gold }

. 7 . 8 . 9 .
{ copper . & . neons }

. 10 . 11 . 12 .
{ bright . & . colourful }

i think a glittery gold eAster with pOps of neon colour would be perfect this year . a few eAster decorations around the house . & . a few homemade gifts to send out . & . that should brighten up these still dull days wOnderfully .

. have a hAppy { hOppy } dAy .

Monday, February 1

. hEllo fEbruary .

{ i love you to the moon and back }

looking forward to a fabulous fEbruary
full of

. beautiful new cOllections at bUbble lOndon .
. welcoming in the yEar of the mOnkey .

. learning how to make better bread .
. indulging in a few pancakes on shrOve tUesday .

. celebrating vAlentine's by baking lOvely cakes .
. ending the month by running arOund brighton .

. have a fAbulous dAy .

Friday, January 1

. hAppy nEw yeAr .

{ and so the adventure begins }

. hAppy nEw yeAr .

Friday, November 27

. a little advEnt dIy .

i have a confession . this pOst was meant to be pOsted on wEdnesday . but . it is entirely possible that i got a little too caught up in all the advent calendar lOveliness that i found & found i couldn't decide what sort of calendar to make for this pOst . 

at first i thought something along the lines of a garland of pretty printed bags . then . the neon ribbon boxes on Oh Happy Day caught my eye . but . then i spotted these cUte little parcels on Creema . & . thought they would make the perfect hanging advent calendar . 

& . so after all that prOcrastinating . here it is . 

. you can download the file for the envelopes here .
. print out pages 1 . 2 . & . 3 twice . & . page 4 just the once .
. cut out each envelope . 
. score along the tabs . fold . & . stick to make a small pouch .

. fill the pouch with treats of your choice .
. small shortbread biscuits . marshmallow chocolate bark . gold chocolate coins .
. glitter . & . confetti .

. you can download some hAppy advent messages here .
. print out . cut out . & . pOp one into each day .

. you can download numbered tags here .
. print out . cut out . & . score 2.0cm from the top edge .

. fill your enveloped with it's goodies .
. pinch the top together in the opposite direction to the fold at the bottom .
. fold your number tag over the top . & . punch a hole through all layers .
. thread through a length of ribbon about 15.0cm long to secure .

. repeat until you have twEnty fivE filled envelopes .

they look sO lovely piled into a pretty bowl . or . using the ribbons to hang on your tree . { or like me, some random twigs ! } . all ready in anticipation of the 1st dEcember .

{ keep calm . CHRISTMAS . is coming }

. have a hAppy dAy .

Wednesday, October 28

. trIck Or trEat .

# nOte to self . now the days are shorter start prep for blog post earlier in the day ! 

time crept up on me today . & . i was having far too much fun working on these dIy printables that before i knew it the day was ending . the night was drawing in . & . it really wasn't the greatest light for taking photographs { oOps ! } . & . they are possibly not the most styled photo's i've ever taken . or intended to take for todays post . but . take it from me . they are quite cUte { promise } .

before we go much further i must give credit for the idea for these boxes to the sUper A Subtle Revelry . i spotted the boxes on pInterest . & . couldn't resist adapting { ok . unashamedly pinching the idea } for myself . you can find the original post for their treat boxes here . { i so desperately wanted to add confetti to mine too . but . the sun was setting . & . well you know the rest } .

using the bAtty bAt from last weeks post for one of the boxes . & . the other has a sweetly scary spider crawling all over it . & . i spotted these googly eyes { in Wilko's of all places } . & . couldn't resist adding them onto the treat boxes too . 

as with last weeks dIy these are sUper easy to do . download the box templates here . print onto a4 card . cut out . score lightly along all the fold lines . one by one apply glue to the tabs & start to construct your box . remember to fill them with lOts of treats before you close the last tab . & . apply as many or as few silly googly eyes as you like . i also think these would be great with a ribbon or twine loop applied to the top edge of the box so they can be carried easily .

& although i know we should all be watching our sugar intake i think on this occasion only proper candy will do . { especially when it gives me an excuse to pimp up mini marshmallows into little eyeballs ! } . & . * whispers * for any littleOnes trick or treating around me on hallOween there might be an extra scary surprise in these boxes !

. have a super scAry sweet dAy .

Wednesday, October 21

. prEtty pUmpkins . & . bAtty bAts .

although hallOween is still 2weeks away in the pInterest & the blogging world it feels as if we are just about reaching the height of DIY's for decoration, dress-up & all manner of trIck & trEat treats . so not to be left out of all this spookiness today has been spent painting & pimping pumpkins . creating cute batty bats . & . creating a general mess of black . gold . & . fluo pink snippets of paper along with a sprinkle of gold glitter & thread . 

{ in the grand scheme of things i can think of far worse ways to spend the day } .

being incredibly honest . this is the first year that i can remember buying & decorating pumpkins . { & . now i can't believe i've wasted so many years of prettying up pumpkins ! } . & . although i wasn't quite brave enough to start carving wonderfully intricate designs there were so much inspiration for painting & stamping pumpkins that that seemed a much better { & safer } place to start .

i bought a tester pot of Craig & Rose chalk paint in an off white & just two coats of paint later this little pumpkin was ready to be stamped & made a little more sparkly . { i'm now very very tempted to go & buy some more . i think this pumpkin might be a little lonesome on their own } . & thankyOu to Parties for Pennies for the idea for prettying up this pumpkin .

and then onto some garlands & hallOween { bOo } bunting .

these are sUper easy to do . download the little critters here & here . you can choose between some cUter spottier ones . or . using the silhouettes as i've done & printing them out in black . gold . or colours of your choosing . print onto a4 . cut out . score lightly along the join between body & wing & again on the wing . lightly folding to give a more 3d appearance . i also used a 2" round stamp to add a few more pOps of colour into my garland . string them together to hang either vertically or horizontally . the choice is yours . as many or as few as you like . 

and i couldn't resist a little bOo bUnting too . printed out on the plain side of some fluo pink card you can play around to your hearts content with different variations . use washi tape to stick it up . or punch holes & string it into a garland . 

and on that note . it's late . getting closer to the witching hour !

have fun with these printables & remember 'Tis near hallOween .

. have a spookily fun day .

Monday, October 12

. inspired . #5 .

for a while now my pinterest has been full of bats & black cats . creepy cupcakes & cobwebs . & . so very many pretty pumpkins . hAllOween is definitely on it's way .

as someone who's never carved a pumpkin i'm lOving the trend towards painted & pimped up pumpkins . particularly those with glitter & gold . & . those with pops of neon . & . it's from those i've taken my inspiration . underpinned with a super simple monochrome black & white colour palette .

{ when Witches go riding & Black cats are seen . the Moon laughs & whispers 'tis near hallOween }
. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 .

. see much much more on my pinterest board .

. have a { spOOkily } sweet day .

Friday, July 17

. bUbble . lOndon .

and it's springtime & summertime at bUbble

despite the slightly gloomy weather outside on mOnday, islingtOn was buzzing with fresh summer colour, with pineapple prints, with origami animals & birds, & more than a few prints inspired by the new colouring-in craze .  slightly disappointed that a few old names were noticeable by their absence this season;  nO added sUgar . billieblUsh . & . bOnnie bAby had only let the bOnnie mOb out to play . 

there was still plenty to see though . & . more than a few sUper new brands were spotted . as last season's instagram provided such cool images i've let them take the lead this season too . it's always interesting to see the shOw through other's eyes too . see what took their fancy & what was popular under the #discoverbubble & #bubblelondon hashtags .

. the beautiful bUsiness dEsign cEntre . & . coffee courtesy of tOms .
 . aden+anais .
. who launched a lOvely range of layette clothing alongside their swaddle cloths .
 . peacheyboo .
. new to bUbble . but with the swEetest baby clothing .
{ & uber cUte pink & white sugar mice too }
 . as always the footwear was just the cUtest .
. i featured their gorgeous duck wellies last season .
. they don't disappoint for summer with these prEtty pineapple trimmed shoes .
. lOvely fresh colours on sweet sUmmer dresses .
 . mR wOlf .
. another new brand & one of my favourites .
. geometric mandala style characters on simple stylish garments in great colours . 
. organic doesn't mean beige for this range .
. geometric florals. origami birds . scallop prints .
. new to bUbble & to the uK being an aUstralian brand .
{ which is why i probably lOve it so much ! }
. fresh colours with hyper pastels & brights & fUn prints .

. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 910 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 1920 . 21 . 22 .

the shOw gave me lOts to think about & makes me excited to see what other brands have in store for sUmmer . & . with a lot of aUtumn ranges already making an appearance in the shops it feels like we might not have too long to wait to find out .

. have a sUnny sUmmery day .