Wednesday, October 14

. adventUres in scUlptUreLand .

towards the end of the sUmmer i was lucky enough to take a trip north to visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park . opening in 1977 as an exhibition of 31 sculptures . it now houses five galleries . set in 500 acres of the Bretton Hall estate . & . is provides a unique opportunity to see . & . touch . sculptures by some of the leading artists of the 20thCentury . it has a whimsey about it . partly due to it's immense size & the incredible setting of sculptures within it's grounds . although busy there is such a sense of space . & . isolation almost . a sense that you are exploring a kind of wOnderland .

adding to the whimsy is a beautiful exhibition of Rob Ryan's papercuts & prints . entitled Listen to the World . i never fail to be amazed by the intricacy & detail in his work . the patience he must have & taking time to read the words you realise how poetic the work is . alongside the artistry . & . it made me think very much of Alice in Wonderland . & . that surreal world created by Lewis Carroll . particularly as we were accompanied on our visit by Katie, who in her own way, reminds me very much of Carroll's Alice . very much a girly girl, who loves pretty dresses, pretty shoes, but also very much the tomboy, the explorer, the curious adventurer . 

{ all papercuts & prints by Rob Ryan }

giant hares . musical playgrounds . galloping horses . on . digital screens . dustbin trees . & . works by Antony Gormley . Andy Goldsworthy . Anthony Caro . Barbara Hepworth . & . current RA artist Ai Wei Wei . 

a magical place to visit . & . one you could go back to time & time again . seeing different things each time you went . a wonderful day in a wonderful wOnderland .

{ with big thanks to kAtie for being such a wonderfully inspired Alice }

. have a wOnderful dAy .

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .