Friday, October 16

. hAppy fridAy .

. 1 . spOtted on instagram . & . perfect for National Chocolate Week .
       { pretzel & candy hallOween bars by Eat Good 4 Life } .
. 2 . lOving this dramatically dark nursery . especially those gorgeous star lamps .
. 3 . a sUper chic new cOllection shared by Enfants Terrible Magazine .
       { simple luxury with a street style edge by Bindemane for Paademode } . 
. 4 . lOoking forward to seeing this film next week . 
. 5 . lOoking forward to getting the glitter out to add a little sparkle to some pumpkins . 
       { DIY by Yesterday's Sweetheart . shared by Heart Handmade Uk } .
. 6 . wishing i had a littleOne to buy this uber cute { & stylish } bear for . 
. 7 . beautiful watercolour floral loveliness by Lordes Sanchez
       { shared with envy by The Jealous Curator } .
. 8 . a thought for today . but possibly not everyday !
. 9 . crUshing on this cosy knit spOtted on instagram at knitting_inspiration .
       { perfect for these chillier days } .
. & . finally . just how good do these brownies by Made By Mary look ?

. have a very hAppy weekend .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey,
      Thank you for this Lily!
      #bearhug from Doricica

    2. It was my pleasure . such a cute bear & perfect for this weeks 10 lOvely things . have a very happy weekend .


. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .