Monday, June 12

{ a cornucopia of cupcakes . ten delightful cupcake recipes for cupcake day )

This should have been a fun post to research and write, instead it's been a huge reminder of all the delicious sweetness I can't indulge in at the moment. I'm on week four of an elimination diet, to see if there is a particular food which has been causing me to feel, well, not quite myself. Most of the time the no gluten, diary, eggs, sugar, caffeine and nuts has not been too much of a problem. Unfortunately baking, and particularly cakes, is one of those areas where gluten, dairy, eggs and sugar are fairly key ingredients, and my attempts at baking without them have not proven too successful.

So I will resolve myself to a few more weeks without cake, and whilst I won't be able to join in with the eating of cupcakes on Cupcake Day, thankfully it doesn't preclude me from baking some to raise a little money for the Alzheimer's Society. This year Cupcake Day falls on 15th June, and people up and down the country will be baking, buying and eating cupcakes in order to raise money for this wonderful cause. And to help you on your way I've compiled a little inspiration, a cornucopia of cupcake recipes, from the most classic of vanilla, to one's brightened by berries, those of the darkest chocolate, and a few more besides.  Surely there is one here to tickle everybody's taste buds.

Victoria Sandwich Cupcakes . Baking Mischief .
Vegan Funfetti Vanilla Cupcakes . Minimalist Baker .

Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes . Sugar & Charm .
Olive Oil Cupcakes with Berry Frosting . My Name is Yeh .
Lemon Cupcakes with Blueberry Buttercream . This is Sweet .

Chocolate Cupcakes . Sophisticated Gourmet .
S'mores Cupcakes . Call me Cupcake .

Snickers Cupcake . A Cookie Named Desire .
Café au Lait Macaron Cupcakes . Butter and Brioche .
Sweet Potato Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow Frosting . Foodess .

So which is your favourite?
I don't think you can beat a classically simple Vanilla, but then again that Chocolate Cupcake looks so incredibly inviting.  But can you beat the combination of cherries and chocolate?
Can I have more than one favourite?

For lots more tempting cupcake inspiration pop over to take a look on my pinterest board.
Just maybe eat first, so you don't drool too much whilst looking!

{ have a happy day }

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .