Monday, October 23

{ turning the page }

Things may be a little quiet around here for a while. Things are about to change. I am saying a very fond farewell to lily&Bloom, and saying a huge hello to MissSmith. Do you remember that I asked you to say hello to MissSmith a little while back? For those of you with memories as good as mine you can have a read here. Since then, momentum has ebbed and flowed, but hadn't gained the pace it really should have done.

I had considered keeping lily&Bloom. It has been with me for nearly six years now, and came along at a time when I needed a big change in my life, or rather one had been forced upon me. Under the comforting umbrella of lily&Bloom I have worked for some really lovely clients, learnt to appreciate a much slower pace of life, rambled on and shared my, often random thoughts and findings with you on here. It has allowed me the time and space to find out a little more about myself, which I guess is why I now find myself saying goodbye, and becoming MissSmith instead.

Rest assured, there will still be random rambling thoughts. There will also be lots more besides. I'll be sharing with you my design inspiration for my knitting, and more importantly all the lovely things I've been busy making that I'm hoping a few lovely people will buy! The next couple of weeks will be spent turning the website and my whole on-line presence over to MissSmith, and it will also be spent busily knitting and making things for my very first event. Yes ( cue the trumpets, and drums, and all that celebratory nonsense ) I am super excited to say that I will be joining we are POP at their POPup Christmas Market, happening in three very short weeks ( cue the anxiety, nerves, and general scary feelings! ). Baby blankets, wall hangings, pom pom garlands and so much more are being designed and made in every spare moment, dare I say, perfect for Christmas for gifts, or a cheeky little present to yourself.

And so I leave you with a sneak peek of the new look MissSmith above, and a little sneak peek of my Christmas mood board below.
And as I'm absolutely certain that curiosity will get the better of you, and you will want to POP along, here are the details of the market. I would love to see you there. 
{ have a happy day }

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. thank you for taking the time to scribble down your thoughts . i lOve reading All your musings .